3rd HR Club Event Miriam Lindwer - Criteria Based Interviewing (CBI)

The HR club met for the third time on 7th April 2010 to discover the core issues in Criteria Based Interviewing (CBI). Ms. Miriam Lindwer facilitated the program, which discussed on issues like selection of the right person for the right job.

This is not an easy thing to do and everyone in the room was in-sync with that idea. Issues such as, limited time to know the candidate’s true character were also discussed in the meet. The program allowed HR managers to realize how to get the most out high quality,trustworthy information out of a candidate in whatever short period of time we have with them. This allows one to predict future performance of the candidate. The presentation focused on various aspects of interviewing, which is the foremost tool of selecting a candidate for the job. Presented issues included preparing the right type of questions regarding a fixed set of competencies that enables to obtain more trustworthy information and reach a more transparent selection decision.

Take home messages:

  • How to prepare for the Selection Interview on the basis of the Competency Model
  • How to ask questions and how not to ask questions
  • How to standardize and systemize your observations for optimal, comparable results