Microfinance and Others

AML & Corporate Governance for BoDs for Microfinance

Anti-money Laundering & Anti-Bribery and Corruption have globally grown as the agenda of serious concern in the entire domestic banking industry and cross-border banking.  It is sometimes realized as a big mystery or burden over the industry. However, there are limited efforts made to de-mystify the situation. There is a need to address them strategically & systematically so that they be solved permanently within existing legal and regulatory frameworks. 



Credit Management IN MFIs

Main Core functions of Microfinance  program is  Saving and  Credit  Management . Access to  finance, in other  words  provides credit  for the  betterment  of   underprivileged people enhancing their  living  standard, increase income generation activities with their involvement  and engagement in the  enterprise and business activities are essential change making  agents.

Managing Monitoring and Evaluation for Microfinance

Monitoring is the regular observation and recording of activities taking place in a project or programme. It is a process of routinely gathering information on all aspects of the project. Reporting enables the gathered information to be used in making decisions for improving project performance. The report generated also helps the organization to strength and weaknesses of the organization hence enabling to make necessary corrective measures.

Excel for High Performance

Bank personnel with interest to develop the better foundation on MS-Excel are highly recommended to attend our new program for mastering the skills on Excel. The highlights of the program are Set expectation of output from training and assign case, Working with Custom Conditional Formats, Working with Range Names Using Advanced Functions and Creating Pivot Tables Working with macro for automation.

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