
signature Verfication & possible Scenarios @ Baglung

Cards, online banking etc. are new manner of transactions on these days but the importance of signature on cheque and other document is still on. Sometimes a single signature carries millions of dollars. In Nepalese banking scenarios, withdrawal money by forged signature is normal phenomenon today. And also the returning genuine cheques give bad impact to the customers in competition market and sometimes push them to go through other banks.

Budgeting & its Importance

There is a saying – ‘If you fail to plan, you plan to fail’. Budgeting is more about planning – planning of our spending to achieve certain goal in a particular given time period. Budgeting is a process of creating a plan of our spending on a proper manner. This is, in fact, a tool of our planning. Our success depends on a proper planning. Therefore, we need to prepare our budget very carefully taking into account complete information, future priorities/ goals, resources etc.


Signature Verification & Possible Scenarios @ Pokhara

Cards, online banking etc. are new manner of transactions on these days but the importance of signature on cheque and other document is still on. Sometimes a single signature carries millions of dollars. In Nepalese banking scenarios, withdrawal money by forged signature is normal phenomenon today. And also the returning genuine cheques give bad impact to the customers in competition market and sometimes push them to go through other banks.

Cards & Digital Banking

Traditionally banking activities related with cards & E-banking products are considered to be head office functions as a result training on such products is limited to staffs of IT Department of Card & E-Banking. On the other hand staffs at branches who are directly responsible for show casing the product at the customers, selling them and support customers when they face problems are deprived of such training.

Card & Digital Banking Emerging Trend

Traditionally banking activities related with cards & E-banking products are considered to be head office functions as a result training on such products is limited to staffs of IT Department of Card & E-Banking. On the other hand staffs at branches who are directly responsible for show casing the product at the customers, selling them and support customers when they face problems are deprived of such training.

Remittance Operations

The country received the inward remittance of about Rs 550 billion in In FY 071/72 only, which is about 20% on the total GDP of the country. Notably, Nepal is ranked in the 7th Position in terms of remittance's contribution in the GDP.

Whilst the inward remittance is contributing significantly in the economy and enabling to uplift the life standard of people and supporting BFIs to increase FCY trading / revaluation gain and fee income, many operational risk events are also taking place along with increase in remittance business.

Signature Verification & Possible Scenarios

Cards, online banking etc. are new manner of transactions on these days but the importance of signature on cheque and other document is still on. Sometimes a single signature carries millions of dollars. In Nepalese banking scenarios, withdrawal money by forged signature is normal phenomenon today. And also the returning genuine cheques give bad impact to the customers in competition market and sometimes push them to go through other banks.


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