Current Issues on Corporate Governance

Training Category: Workshop, Seminar & Conference

Role of the Board of Directors (BoD) is paramount in driving the Bank by maintaining high standard of corporate governance, safeguarding the interest of the depositors and meeting the expectations of the stakeholders.  

Whilst BoD delegates the authority to the Director(s), CEO or any other officials, the ultimate responsibility lies on them, which is substantiated by NRB Directives No 6/072, Section No 2 (e).

Issues on corporate governance are vast and wide. New Issues cropping up time and again. Stakeholders need to be refreshed with recent happening.

With regards to the above, a "Current Issues on Corporate Governance" has been designed for the Board of the Directors of Development Banks, so that it would be beneficial to them to further understanding their roles and responsibilities, rules and regulations, etc and having revision/refreshment on the amendment/changes.