National Banking Institute (NBI) shall be the role model in establishing and furnishing objective on TRAK modules as under:
T =Trainings
Deliver trainings and professional development programs in hard and soft skill to cater the need of Financial Industry in the areas of Banking & Finance.
R= Research
Carry out research in areas related to the financial and other sector that would support to financial industry in their strategy planning. e.g. Professional development, Industry status/changes, Financial and economic indicators, Research on micro credit, New trends and technologies etc.
A= Academic Programs
Set its aim to be the Banking Academy of Nepal to develop banking professionals e.g. certification level in banking and professional individual qualification in banking products and services.
K=Knowledge Consulting
Expertise gained through our training programs, research and academic wing would allow NBI to provide innovative solutions that can be packaged in the form of knowledge. The Knowledge Consulting wing of NBI would closely work with each and every stake holder in the chain to assist them in solving complex industry issues.