NBI in its capacity as apex national level institute has identified four key focus areas.
In its full capacity NBI would be actively involved in all the areas mentionedbelow.
In its full capacity NBI would be actively involved in all the areas mentionedbelow.
NBI delivers various trainings and professional development programs to cater to theneed of Financial Industry in the areas of Banking & Finance as well as Management Development. In the second phase NBI would be developing programs for RFI's and MFIs including Co-operatives at the bottom of the pyramid.
NBI plans to carry out research in areas related to the financial sector. The major focus of the research would be in following areas.
NBI has set its aim to be the Banking Academy of Nepal. The academic activities of NBI would cover following areas.
The expertise gained through our training programs, research and academic wing would allow NBTI to provide innovative solutions that can be packaged in the form of knowledge and tools. The Knowledge Consulting wing of NBI would closely work with each andevery stake holder in the chain to assist them in solving complex industry issues.