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The HR club met for the second time on 10th March 2010 at Nepal Banker’s Association’s office to discuss issues in the new frontier of HR. Participation was ample as HR heads from most of the major banks in Kathmandu were present. The session saw Mr. Sanjiv Subba, CEO of National Banking Training Institute, welcome all the participants and guest speaker Prof. Subas K.C., Dean at KUSOM. A brief recap of the HR club was given, as this was only the second time it was convened. Prof. K.C. then took to the floor and presented the concept of Strategic HR management. The concept was how to link HR and strategy formulation of an organization. He stated that HR is a key component of any organization and should be aligned with the strategic planning of the organization and then only can a proficient and effective workforce could be created. After the presentation, a lot of queries and issues were shared with each other and Prof. K.C. as well. The meet saw HR managers grasp a relatively new concept in organizational development. Mr. Kumar Joshi, HR manager Everest Bank, closed the session with a thank you note and appreciation of everyone’s participation.