Audit & Compliance

Unified Directives @ Dhangadi

Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) is the Central Bank of Nepal and regulatory body of commercial bank and financial institutions. One of the NRB’s objectives as set out in NRB Act, 2002 is to maintain financial stability.  In order to achieve this objective, NRB has issued 23 directives to Banks and Financial Institutions. Out this, directives no. 2, 3 and 12 are related to credit management, single obligor limit and blacklisting requirement. These directives are most important for credit department and revisions/amendments in these directives are made annually.

AML/CFT - KYC @ Mahendranagar

Program Takeaways
Theoretical, Legal and Practical for:
 Understanding how a BFI can take business and AML/CFT together
 Understanding how a BFI can best expand business together with AML/CFT compliance
 Understanding how AML/CFT help expanding business
 Understanding how minimum resources and staffs can work on AML/CFT
 Understanding how a BFI can best implement the newly amended but rigorous laws with limited resources

AML/CFT-KYC for Employees of Development Banks @ Butwal & Kathmandu

The banking industry in Nepal has seen exponential growth. The competitive market has stretched the limits of customer numbers. To tackle these issues, excellent customer service and innovative marketing of one’s banking products becomes essential. With this in mind National Banking Institute brings to you AML/CFT. This program aims to deliver the best course content with consultation with the Industry Experts & Regulatory Intellectuals.

AML/CFT-KYC @ Janakpur

Theoretical, Legal and Practical for:
 Understanding how a BFI can take business and AML/CFT together
 Understanding how a BFI can best expand business together with AML/CFT compliance
 Understanding how AML/CFT help expanding business
 Understanding how minimum resources and staffs can work on AML/CFT
 Understanding how a BFI can best implement the newly amended but rigorous laws with limited resources
 Understanding Linkage between Banking and AML/CFT measures and their inseparability


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