Workshop, Seminar & Conference

Unified Directives @ Dhangadi

Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) is the Central Bank of Nepal and regulatory body of commercial bank and financial institutions. One of the NRB’s objectives as set out in NRB Act, 2002 is to maintain financial stability. In order to achieve this objective, NRB has issued 23 directives to Banks and Financial Institutions. Out this, directives no. 2, 3 and 12 are related to credit management, single obligor limit and blacklisting requirement. These directives are most important for credit department and revisions/amendments in these directives are made annually.

Directors' Refresher Course

Role of the Board of Directors (BoD) is paramount in driving the Bank by maintaining high standard of corporate governance, safeguarding the interest of the depositors and meeting the expectations of the stakeholders.  

Whilst BoD delegates the authority to the Director(s), CEO or any other officials, the ultimate responsibility lies on them, which is substantiated by NRB Directives No 6/072, Section No 2 (e).

Board Level Programme

Economic growth of an emerging economy and developing country critically depends on the health and spread of banking industry. Banks being companies are run by their respective boards. As major decisions , including strategic business decisions, are taken by these boards, it is imperative that the boards are well constituted so as to reflect the various stakeholders and the business that they support.

Directors' Refresher Course

Role of the Board of Directors (BoD) is paramount in driving the Bank by maintaining high standard of corporate governance, safeguarding the interest of the depositors and meeting the expectations of the stakeholders.  

Whilst BoD delegates the authority to the Director(s), CEO or any other officials, the ultimate responsibility lies on them, which is substantiated by NRB Directives No 6/072, Section No 2 (e).

Seminar on BAFIA 2017

The recently promulgated BAFIA 2017 has redefind some of the important provisions which has direct implication to the business and governance of BFIs. It is very contextual to organize a seminar to review  and reflect on the opportunities and challenges the BAFIA brings into the industry and its stakeholders.

Keeping this in mind, NBI  proudly announce half day seminar on “BAFIA 2017” for Board of Directors, senior management and all stakeholders to review and assess opportunity and challenges in this regard.

Executive Training

This Executive Programme  will be conducted in July and August for about 15 - 20 bank members from Nepal, in the premises of Frankfurt School of Finance & Management,  Germany. It will focus on Bank Management,  Risk Management, Governance and Bank Technology.

Additionally, industry site visitations to German banks will give an insight in the relevance of the mentioned topics for the banking business.

Leadership: Journey to Excellence

The dynamism of the corporate landscape owing to various environmental factors makes leadership a pivotal force behind the success of an organization. Nowadays, it is vital for Leaders to recognize the link between business performance and the people strategies.

Leaders need to continually leverage the full potential of their Mindsets, Relationships and Execution Effectiveness to create a distinct competitive advantage and lead to new pinnacles of success.


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