RETAIL BANKING covers the core functions of retail banking, from the traditional to the innovative. From savings accounts to mobile banking apps, from mortgage lending to the impact of digitization, this course takes you on a journey through the evolving landscape of retail banking. It offers a balanced perspective on the challenges and opportunities that financial institutions face, as well as the strategies they employ to provide better services, enhance customer experiences, and remain competitive in an increasingly digital world.
OBJECTIVES: This certification course on retail banking is expected to empower banking professionals with insights, knowledge and strategies requried for better delivery of retail banking products and services. In an era marked by rapid technological advancements, changing customer expectations and a globalized economy the relevance of this course cannot be overstated.
VALIDITY OF REGISTRATION: The course remains valid for one year, which encompasses the completion of four examination attempts. This period commences from the date of the examination following enrollment and lasts until the completion of four examination attempts. However, if a candidate skips the examination immediately following enrollment, the validity period will begun from the second examination date after enrollment and continue until the completion of four examination attempts.
ELIGIBILTY: The course is targeted to employees working in branches of BFI's. However, it is open to any person working in banking and financial institutions (BFI's).
For detailed emaination rules, please consulst the course brochure