
Signature Verification & Possible Scenarios

Cards, online banking etc. are new manner of transactions on these days but the importance of signature on cheque and other document is still on. Sometimes a single signature carries millions of dollars. In Nepalese banking scenarios, withdrawal money by forged signature is normal phenomenon today. And also the returning genuine cheques give bad impact to the customers in competition market and sometimes push them to go through other banks.

Fraud Mitigation Techniques @ Birtamod

Signature verification and counterfeit currency detection are day to day events in banks. And fresh hand will have fewer ideas to mitigate such risk. Also the first step to minimize risk is properly handled document with best knowledge of customers. This program is basically to generate ideas to know the customer properly and handling their cheques and cash in proper way.


Comprehensive Banking Course

Banking industry in Nepal has rapidly grown in last decade. With the growth, the industry has faced acute shortage of knowledge and skill of Sales, Service and Compliance in its existing pool of human capital.  Lack of proper curricula, untrained trainers and absence of trainings in the industry led to huge knowledge gap within its human capital.

Fraud Mitigation Techniques @ Surkhet

Signature verification and counterfeit currency detection are day to day events in banks. And fresh hand will have fewer ideas to mitigate such risk. Also the first step to minimize risk is properly handled document with best knowledge of customers. This program is basically to generate ideas to know the customer properly and handling their cheques and cash in proper way.

Branch Operations

Due to the globalization of the economy, commercial banks are expanding their nationwide presence. The retail business is another important source of banking revenue, offering high margin transactions, a low nonperforming

Signature Verification & Possible Scenarios

Cards, online banking etc. are new manners of transaction on these days, but the importance of signature on cheque and other documents is still on. Sometimes a single cheque carries millions of dollars. In Nepalese banking scenario, withdrawal money by forged signature is a normal phenomenon today. And also the returning genuine cheque gives bad impact to customers in competitive market. It’s very much essential to know which level is rejectable or acceptable.


SEBON has introduced a mechanism of application(ASBA) to the public issue for the first time in Nepal. Previous hassle of application has been cut down and lengthy process of application has been shortening down.

Complete Teller Solutions @ Butwal

The workshop will focus on developing conceptual skills of staff working in the Cash Area as well as provide a holistic environment for staff to clear up issues being faced on a day to day basis in their work place. The major aim of this Training Program is to make the participants aware about the theoretical as well as practical aspects of Cash Management. The Program is intended to equip the participants with knowledge so at to enable them to conduct their day to day operations independently.



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