Base III & Credit Risk Management
NBI is pleased to offer a program on Basel III and Credit Risk Management exclusively in association with International Development Institute (IDI), leading training and capacity building provider based in the US.
Deposit Marketing
Understanding deposit marketing is highly critical to any Bank to ensure effective management of resources to fund their businesses by making loans so as to continue to maintain the bottom line as well as diversify & manage various risks. With competition amongst banks heating up ever more coupled with a rapid advancement in technology, in order to stay relevant, Banks need to review their deposit products and deposit marketing strategies.
SME Banking – A growth Potential
The main objective of this program is to help mid-level bank officers to build up an in-depth understanding of SME Banking fundamentals, its business complexities and growth potentials.
Friday Talk Program- Sahuliyat Purna karja
Micro, Small & Medium Enterprise (MSME) Perspective in Nepalese Banking Sector
Margin Type Loan – Credit Assessment Process, Risk Identification and Mitigating Factors
This program provides the participant with basic foundation of knowledge and skills that help them to reach sound, reliable judgment while assessing the borrower for margin loan. The practical introduction to regulatory provision, drawing power assessment, margin call requirement and process for recovery in case of default shall be deliberated during entire session.
Letters of Credit (LC)
Banking is integral part of international business, where Trade Finance is one of the most lucrative businesses to any bank. Trade finance, of course a short-term credit/ facilities availed by a bank to their borrower for importing and exporting activities, includes various kinds of loans, advances and facilities required for imports and exports deals. Since such deals are made on foreign trade, it involves transactions of foreign exchange too.
Credit Need Assessment while Financing under Covid
Impacts of Covid 19 on businesses have been unexpectedly deterrent and it is unknown how long it keeps impacting. The workforce of Nepalese Banks working in the area of Credit and Risk management are mostly trained for processing credits with a focus on growth by assessing the inherent risks in the business.
Agriculture Lending
The Agriculture sector is considered as a backbone of economy in the country. About 60.4% of the total population of Nepal is dependent on agriculture contributing more than one third of GDP and employing two third of labor forces . Due to the global impact of the COVID-19, the sector has become a more significant and high priority segment like our country.